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Share Your Wares at LEAF

Sell your products at LEAF

We are opening up a limited and reduced amount of vendor spaces for the LEAF Reunion 2025. ( Please note this is a scaled down version of the regular LEAF festival)This is a two step process. The first step is filling out and returning your vendor application to LEAF. Once you are selected by the LEAF committee you will be sent instructions on how to complete the requirements for the City of Llano, which will conduct a background check. 

We do not accept vendors selling mass produced novelty type items.  You will need to include payment when you submit your application. 

We anticipate that spaces will fill very quickly and you will not be considered unless your application and payment are both received.  Deadline for applications will be close of business Wednesday February 19, 2025, but it is to your advantage to get your application with fee in as early as possible. If the City of Llano denies your application you will receive a refund less the $5 processing fee charged by the City. 


Check in time will be 3pm to 6pm on Thursday, March 27th and 7am to 11:30 am on Friday, March 28th, 2025. You vehicle absolutely must be off the festival grounds by 11:30 am Friday. These are the only times you will be allowed to have your vehicle on the festival grounds until the end of the festival Sunday evening. Your booth must be open and manned at all times the festival is open. Friday noon to 7pm, Saturday 10:00 am to 7:00 pm and Sunday 10:00 am to 7:00 pm.  Electricity is not available this year. Generators are not allowed. 

For information:  Ceto Desai 325-423-0188 or

The LEAF Reunion will not be responsible for any injury suffered by exhibitors or for the safety of their property, nor for any loss resulting from fire, theft, wind, hail, or accident from any cause.  It is advised that you have your own insurance for this gathering.  Exhibits will be subject to approval by the vendor staff.  There will be NO firearms, pornographic items or items of poor taste allowed.  Vendor parking shall be in the designated area.  Booth assignments will be at the sole discretion of the LEAF Reunion volunteer in charge of vendors.  

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