World Rock Stacking Championship
Proud Home Of The
The Rockstacking Competitions are open to all competitors- professional and amateur alike.
Events this year will be held on both Saturday and Sunday and include Height, Balance, Artistic, Arches, and Quantity.
Team Competitions (2 or 3 competitors) include Height and Arches.
Saturday March 16- Height & Balance Competitions
Solo Height- 10am, Jr. Height- 12pm, Team Height- 2pm, Solo Balance 4pm, Awards 5:30pm
Sunday March 17- Artistic, Arches, and Quantity
Artistic- 10am-4pm, Quantity- 10am, Solo Arches- 12pm, Team Arches- 2pm, Awards 4pm
Observing the Rock Stacking Competitions is free and open to all festival-goers. Come on out and cheer on your old and new friends!
Rock Stacking is at the heart of the Llano Earth Art Fest. One of the most ancient of human activities, it's also one of man's newest sports. Rock Stacking and Balancing are a fun and natural way to engage with nature while exercising your body and your mind. As the home of Enchanted Rock- the coolest, awesomest, and greatest rock in the world- Llano, Texas is proud to host the 2018 World Rock Stacking Championship. Events this year include competitions for building the tallest rock stack, best rock balancer, best rock arch builder, most rocks in a single tower, and most artistic rock stack design. Competitions will be held for both individuals and teams. While the competition is serious, the event is designed to be fun for the whole family. Competitors are encouraged to bring their cheering sections with them to make some noise.
Safety at the Llano Earth Art Fest and the World Rock Stacking Championship are of paramount importance. Any competition involving moving and stacking rocks will have inherent dangers. All competitors in the World Rock Stacking Championship must sign a waiver before they will be allowed to compete. The waiver can be downloaded from our website or you can sign a waiver at the competition.
The Rock Stacking Competition events are open to anyone aged 8 or older. Any competitor under the age of 18 must have a parent or guardian sign their waiver before they will be allowed to compete. The competitions for Balance, Arches, Quantity, and Artistic are open to any competitor 8 years old and up. Due to the inherent advantages held by adults in both height and strength, the Height Competition will have a Junior category, open to competitors ages 8-13.